Pâr Prestbury yn cipio'r tlws
10 Hydref 2021
Vale Royal Abbey Golf Club were again superb hosts for the annual Cheshire Mixed Foursomes competition.

Each club in the CUGC is invited to choose a pair to represent them, usually the winners of their Mixed Knock Out, in the competition which began a few years ago and players from 26 clubs took part on a day of very pleasant weather.

As always Vale Royal Abbey provides an excellent and challenging course with great hospitality in their magnificent clubhouse.

Macclesfield’s Chris Massey and Greeba Jones were defending the trophy they won in 2020 and they posted a useful score of 38 points to take them into fourth place.

Prestbury Golf Club are celebrating their Centenary year, along with Cheshire, and their dynamic duo of Austin and Nicola McBride posted the top score of 41 points to take the trophy back to their club.

Next in were another Centenary club in Eaton who had Simon Dangar and Ann Shepherd winning a card play off on 39 points to take the runners-up prize from Leon Clowes and Gillian Duncan (Vicars Cross).

A very sociable day for county golf which was enjoyed by all of the players and once more organised impeccably by the CUGC officials led by President David Durling.

Photos & copy courtesy Geoff Garnett