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Following the recent Government announcement, I am delighted to confirm that the golf course will re-open at 08:30 on Wednesday 13th May. In line with strict Government guidance we will be adopting the following measures to ensure the safety of all golfers and our staff. Initially, only Social Golf will be permitted; an assessment on the feasibility of competition golf will be made in due course.

The Clubhouse will remain closed – if you require access to retrieve Golf Clubs from your locker please contact the Secretary’s Office to organise a suitable time.

All rounds of golf MUST be booked via the BRS tee booking system – if you are struggling with this please contact the Secretary’s Office who will assist. If you have not got a tee time please do not come to the Club. The tee sheet has been altered to accommodate 18 holes from Tee 1 will at 08:30, 08:40, 08:50 and so on – Tee 10 (for nine holes only) will be 09:05, 09:15, 09:25, 09:35, 09:45, 09:55 and 10:05. The tee sheet for this Wednesday will go live for booking at 19:00 this evening,

Play will be restricted to 2 players only (who can be from separate households), unless from the same household, when a maximum of 3 may play. The current principle of Ladies having priority booking for Tuesday morning and Gents having priority on Saturday will be maintained.
Please change in the Car Park and only arrive 10 minutes prior to your tee time – following your round you must exit the course straight away and leave the Car Park without delay.
Ride on buggies will be allowed but just 1 player and 1 set of clubs per buggy (unless from the same household) – these should be booked via the Secretary’s Office. The Trolley room will remain closed.

Brian and his staff will be re-opening in line with the Golf Course, although there will be a limit of 2 people in the Shop at any one time. Initially the Shop will only open from 08:30 to 13:30 each day.

The Practice Area and Short Game Area will remain closed for the time being. A 5-minute warm up in the Practice Nets and on the Putting Green will be permitted, but only prior to your tee time. You must not return to the Putting Green or Nets to practice after your round.

All rakes have been removed from bunkers, please use your club and or feet to smooth over any footprints before leaving a bunker. The bunkers will be prepared each morning and it will be down to members to ensure they are adequately maintained during the day.
We have introduced a hole liner to the cups which allows puts to be holed without the ball falling to the bottom of the cup. Please do not touch the flagsticks, which must always be left in.
All tee blocks have been removed, please play from which ever part of the teeing ground you wish – but not on or just behind the actual tee plates. It is important that any broken tee pegs are removed.
At all times please ensure you maintain pace of play on the course, by keeping up with the player(s) in front.

It is anticipated that demand for tee times will be high following the lockdown and accordingly for the month of May, play will be restricted to Members and one Guest (full payment with the Office is required in advance).
Initially the Halfway House will remain closed, however the on-course toilets at the 7th and 10th will be open. These will be cleaned regularly and hand sanitiser will be available.
We have all been hugely frustrated by not being able to play the course, enjoy being back and please respect your fellow golfers and the staff and most of all STAY SAFE. It is imperative that all members follow the measures outlined, failure to do so could result in the course having to close again. All these measures will be kept under constant review and adjusted, if necessary.

Chris Williams
Club Secretary/Manager
11th May 2020