Now Due
Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those members who have already paid their membership subscriptions for this year. Your support at this difficult time is very much appreciated and we cannot wait to welcome you back to the Club as soon as it is safe to do so.

For those that have not yet paid their subscriptions, a reminder that we do need the support of our fantastic members if we are to survive these challenging times. Payment can be made via bank transfer and our account details are as follows

Acc Name: North Middlesex Gold Club 1928 Ltd Acc Number: 80682071 Sort Code: 20 95 61
You can also make a payment by calling the Club's telephone number 020 8445 1604 using your Debit or Credit card as a volunteer is manning the phones remotely.

In order to make sure that we still offer value for money, the board have made the decision that any period in ‘lockdown’ will be credited at the end of this year's membership. This may take a few forms, but in the main, for example, if the 'lockdown' lasts for two months until the end of May, then April subscription renewals next year would be reduced on a pro rata 10/12th basis..