Gwybodaeth Bwysig
SMT and Club Officials continue to work hard
To stay compliant with England Golf affiliation the SMT have been working on the documents that are required by them. These are the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy and the Disciplinary Policy. To support this the SMT has also developed a code of conduct that has been added to the appendices in the club rules document. You can view this as a standalone document by clicking the link below or looking in the documents section of v1. Please familiriase yourself with this as it contains some very important information. The EDI and Disciplinary procedures will be published in due course and added to the club rules. Members will be notifed of this when it takes it place.
RGC Code of Conduct 2024.pdf

Thanks must also go to the membersip team, Finance Team and David Palmer (past treasurer) for their hard work and efforts with membership renewals. This is a complex and time consuming process and they are doing a great job. Please don't leave it till the last minute to pay your subs, it reallys helps these teams if payment is prompt. Subs are due no later than the 31st May 2024

Any questions or queries don't hesitate to get in touch, you can email