Captains Corner
Captains Corner
8.56 Foundation

Congratulations to KLGC members Steven Bird and Tony Thaxton on completing the recent GEAR 10k run as part of the 135 strong 8.56 Foundation group, our chosen charity for this year. Thank you for your continued support of this really worthwhile, proactive organisation.

Please Clink on the link below for the group photo of the event.

8.56 GEAR 10K24 3.jpg

Social update

Gin Night. Tomorrow! 7 places available.
Quiz. Friday May 24th. FULL at 100.
Sunday Carvery. Sunday May 26th. 10 more places for first sitting.

Sign up behind the bar please.

Fun golf events

Don’t forget to sign up in the bar for Friday May 17th (9 hole Florida Scramble) and Sunday May 19th (18 hole Texas Scramble). Teams of 4, Mens, Ladies or Mixed.