Results Below

Although competition numbers are lower than normal and probably down to the weather we've had. Sunday felt like summer was almost here, and the course played more like it should. Much better scoring with several people beating their handicap. Winning round 2 of the MRC OOM Medals was Andy Hunter. Well played mate, you've been playing decent golf for a while and its paid off. Nett 69 for Andy meaning he beat Div 1 winner Josh Matthews by 1 meaning you get that extra bit of prize money. Lowest gross went to James 'Peg Leg' Picariello. Full podium and results below. Mid week comps start on wednesday. An email regarding how to enter them and pay will go out shortly.

Div 1
Josh Matthews £55.00
Ian Pruden £35.00
James Picariello £20.00

Div 2
Andy Hunter £65.00
Rob Hendry £35.00
Will Ashton £20.00

Lowest Gross
James Picariello £20

Twos x £5 each
Nick Davenport 5 2 @ 11th £5.00
Paul Nicholson 11 2 @ 2nd £5.00
Mathew Bialozorski 7 2 @ 2nd £5.00
James Picariello 3 2 @ 6th £5.00
James Voce 5 2 @ 17th £5.00
Luke Robinson 10 2 @ 17th £5.00
Matthew Crowther 7 2 @ 11th £5.00
Paul Price 17 2 @ 2nd £5.00
Andrew Hunter 14 2 @ 2nd £5.00

