Newid Cwrs Bach
Newydd ar Ffiniau ar 10B
The Handicap and Competitions Committee in conjunction with the Green Committee have agreed that it is necessary to make the practice area (hole 10b) out of bounds.

Current Position:

If you play a ball on hole 10a and it lands to the right of path to the right of the green it is currently accepted as being in play and you may continue play to the green.

New Position:

White Out of Bounds stakes will soon be installed to the right of the path adjacent to Green 10(a). Any ball landing in this area will be deemed out of bounds and play will continue under penalty as per the Rules of Golf.

Why are we making this change?

The rules state that a player may not practice on the course prior to playing any stroke-play (medal or stableford) competition round of golf.

Whilst the practice area 10(b) remains part of the course, technically, any member using this area to practice or warm up, prior to playing in a stroke play competition round, is in breach of the rules as they are practicing on the course. Making this area OOB will remove this issue.

The Out of Bounds will be clearly marked and will apply to the whole practice area encompassing hole 10(b) from the path in front of the barrier tee up to the path next to the 10(a) green. The barrier tee area will remain as part of the course but there will be a sign prohibiting any play to the practice green from that tee.

If you have any questions, please email: