Tŷ llawn (bron) ar gyfer noson Bingo!
Dydd Gwener 5ed Ebrill
There were bouncing balls, sparkly jackets, music and all of the razzamatazz
associated with the inside of a commercial Bingo Hall.
And…there were almost 180 members and friends of all ages packed into the
Devora Suite for our first ever bingo night.
It is safe to say that the joint was jumping as the professional bingo caller had
everyone’s attention. We played for lines across, full houses and – to break things up
– we even played musical bingo with music from the 80s right up to date.
On offer was a range of weird and wacky prizes and, when there was a tie-break, we
had everything from rock, paper, scissors to a dance off!
Clare Nixon, Head of Social Events, said: “It was a fantastic night and everyone
there threw themselves into the spirit of the occasion. So many people asked if we
could do it again that we will consider adding another one to the social calendar
towards the end of the year.”
Halfway through the evening there was a food break with pizzas, hot dogs, nachos
and chips on offer.
If you missed this one – make sure you don’t miss the sequel!
Report and pictures from the night are on the club website https://sbngolfmembers.co.uk/