Sleidiau Briffio Aelodau a Fideo
Dal i fyny gyda'r 11eg Brifwyl
Later than hoped but, the slides and Q&A video from the Eleventh Members briefing are now available in the Members Area of the website (password hopwood2022) and via the links below.

Q&A Video

The Briefing was one of our most popular to date with 27 joining online and more than 50 in the clubhouse. We very much appreciate members support as the events are an important part of clublife.

Sorry for the delay in adding these, as those who attended the evening will know we ran into some technical problems, which meant that Jonny Roberts’ (our new Course Manager) presentation failed to record. We hoped that Jonny’s re-recording of the presentation would be available before sending this update but, he has been tied-up on the course. However, this will be uploaded and shared soon.