Clwb Golff Mersey Valley
Neges gan Amanda Burbidge
It has been a tough decision to make but I would like to inform you all of the buy out of Mersey valley golf and country club, with myself no longer being the owner. Phil Williams has taken over with the intention of the golf club continuing as is with all the staff remaining in their positions of work.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your loyalty, support and kindness over the last 12 months to myself, Darcey and Tilly and to all the faith and support you trusted into Richard when he embarked on this venture 7 years ago, we could not have done it without you.

I hope you all have a fantastic future of golfing at Mersey Valley and thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
Richard, Amanda, Darcey and Tilly.