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Canol wythnos Stableford and More
Wednesday’s Stableford, postponed from last week, ended up being non-qualifying, as it was played on temporary greens. Congratulations to Brendan Keelan on a winning score of 40 points, two clear of four chasing players.

Brendan pictured here from last year’s professional day - all we had, at time of going to press.

Runner up, Gordon Dewar, pictured very relaxed here, at the wonderful Thurlestone Hotel, post competition!

Gordon came in with 38 points followed by Mark Nimmo, Keith Tabley and Lee Tarrant on the same.

A technical glitch on the ClubV1 system led to all scores having to be re-entered by hand so a little reminder to fill out your card correctly with name (most importantly including surname!), playing index, course handicap, then strokes received (which is 95% of your course handicap, whether qualifying or not)

When entering your score on the terminal, you have to enter the gross score for each hole, you cannot alter what you scored. The 95% calculation is done automatically by the system, in most cases this results in players receiving at least one shot less than they thought.

Onto Saturday, and 88 brave souls took part in the Winter Mixed Fourball

Winners were Mark Sutton & Tim Hutchence, on 47 points, with 23 coming back, from Ken Broe & Ron Lay in second, also on 47, but with 22 coming back. Third slot went to Colin J Smith & Geoff Sheehy with Angel Xue & James Johnson in fourth.

Finally, and somewhat belatedly, a big congratulations to 2023 champion golfer Mike (The Hound) Bassett winning with Simon Kimble in runners up slot.

Dyna'r holl bobl!