Ball Chute Atgoffa
Please see below the rules regarding the ball chute on the first tee and take the time to read these so you are familiar with the workings of it:

• On reaching the 1st tee, during BUSY times and to avoid queuing, players must place a ball representing only their group (e.g. a 2-ball, a 3-ball and/or a 4-ball) at the back of the ball chute and wait for their turn, providing there is no official closure in operation.

• Players are not obliged to stay around the chute. They may take themselves to other facilities around the club. However, it is all players’ responsibility to be ready and prepared to tee off when their ball is next in line. If all the players in their group are not ready, the ball may be moved and placed at the BACK of the queue by players who are next and already have a ball in the chute.

• Please remove your ball from the chute AFTER all your group have teed off, NOT BEFORE.

• No other interference of balls in the chute will be permitted except with the approval of groups who already have balls in the chute or the professional.

• 3 or 4-balls are to be encouraged wherever possible, particularly at busy times on the weekends.

• Any member refusing to take guidance and instruction from the professional will be reported to the Board of Directors and appropriate action will be taken.

• Members who are playing in official club knockout FINAL matches will always have priority on the tee.

• Games may start only after 08:00 from the 10th hole or with permission from the professional shop.

Unfortunately, over recent weeks we have had multiple occasions where the rules are not being correctly followed. We have subsequently altered the CCTV camera angle so the ball chute is now covered and any members who infringe rules of the ball chute will be subject to disciplinary action.