Aelodaeth Clwb
I hope that all is well, and you have been able to get up to the golf club since the New Year.

The reason for this club news is to provide you with an update and add some context to where we as golf club are with our current membership.

As you will be aware the clubs membership subscription year runs from 1st June - May 31st the following year. This means we are just over halfway through this years subscription (22/23).

So what does membership look like for the upcoming new subscription year (23/24)?

As we are all aware there is a cost-of-living crisis and high inflation! This is making the operations of the golf club more challenging and for all of us living every day.

At the AGM the membership approved to raise all subscriptions for the 23/24 period by 5%. The prices for the new subscription year can be found here .

I hope you can agree that this increase still provides exceptional value for money and you can see this being reinvested out on the course and in the clubhouse for you to benefit from and improve your membership experience.

However, to mitigate this the committee have agreed that the £50 bar levy usually charged each year, WILL NOT be charged for this upcoming subscription year. We can also confirm that all members bar balances from this current year’s bar levy will remain in their bar purse to be spent.

We are hopeful of sending out all subscription invoices to members w/c Monday 3rd April. These will be distributed via e-mail so please periodically check your e-mails around this time and onwards.

Memberships MUST be paid in full by May 31st 2023 and can be paid via the ClubV1 Members Hub App or via BACS (preferred options).

Alternatively, members will again have the option, should they wish, to pay their membership over 10 months through our finance partner, GolfCredit who charge a 4% interest rate on this.

Where is the club with membership numbers?

The clubs membership is currently full (600 playing members) with a waiting list in operation. The waiting list as of writing this sits at 15 and we have membership enquiries steadily flowing in weekly.

If you know anyone who is interested in joining the golf club, please make me aware via and I can contact them.

In the mean time, can I ask you keep an eye on any communications sent to you by the club and if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Many Thanks

Paul Aitkens
Club Manager